Warrior One CME
For more than 15 years Bio Bio Expeditions has successfully been running Continuing Education Adventure travel trips for the Prestigious Wilderness and Travel Medicine and for International Veterinary Seminars.
We are are proud to announce one of our new partners Warrior One, and will be offering trips for Attorneys and their friends and spouses.
Judi Cohen is the founder of Warrior One LLC, a company whose mission is to ignite transformation in the law by coaching and mentoring attorneys to create a world in which lawyers are true Warriors – passionate advocates grounded by wisdom and compassion. Since 1985 she has worked with hundreds of lawyers and law students in her careers as an attorney, law professor and coach. Her clients are lawyers and law firms developing awareness practices and engaging in strategic visioning so that they can be both brilliant and visionary; eloquent and deeply attentive; focused and wide-open-minded; balanced and fierce. Essential Mindfulness for Lawyers is training and coaching for lawyers who want to succeed and prosper as powerful advocates grounded by insight and wisdom. For more information on Warrior One please visit the following website: www.warriorone.com