
Descent of the Cotahuasi in Outside Magazine – One of the first descents of this amazing river

“THE LITTLE PERUVIAN MARE stepped gingerly in the bedded tracks of burros, got halfway across the steep sand slide, and stopped. All around us, rock walls the color of a raw wound soared in pinnacles and ramparts, sheer and bone-dry. Fifty feet below, the slide ended in air. And sound. The Cotahuasi River, thousands of feet down, sent up a roar like distant wind as it cut its way into the canyon floor. Ahead, the two-foot-wide Inca footpath was a gray thread clinging to a nearly vertical wall.

I looked at the horse’s ears. It seemed the best place to focus. Her head was low, forlorn, like the woodcuts of Quixote’s Rocinante.

“You want me to get off, don’t you?” The ears twitched. “You don’t trust your footing in this scree and you’re as scared of heights as I am, even though you are Peruvian and bred for the mountains.””


“Top Luxury Outfitters in the World” (01/10/05) 2005 listed Bio Bio Expeditions as one of the top Luxury Outfitters in the World.

Best Luxury Tour Companies
Christina Valhouli

“Some activities—like skydiving, surgery and planning complex vacations—are best left to the professionals. But mention the phrase “organized tour” and some people recoil, thinking of busloads of gawking tourists clutching guidebooks, cameras and a check-list of sites. …”

“Best New Trip” in 2005 (01/10/05)

Outside magazine’s listing of our latest Peruvian Adventure as the “Best New Trip” in 2005.

Best Trips 2005: The High Road – South America

“To reach some hard-won whitewater, this ten-day trekking-and-rafting expedition starts with a six-hour hike down the western slope of Peru’s lush Cordillera Vilcabamba. Follow this the next day with a 5,900-foot ascent to Choquequirau, ruins of one of the most remarkable Incan cities discovered to date. Then make history of your own, on the rarely run, Class IV–V Lower Apurímac River, home to parrots, monkeys, cormorants, and countless waterfalls….”

Outside Magazine’s choice of best trips for 2003. (03/10/03)

Outside Magazine’s March 2003 choice of Bio Bio’s Katun River expedition in Russia as one of their “Nomads Have More Fun” best trips for 2003.

If you’re looking for bragging rights to a truly remote river, consider the glacier-fed Katun. This 90-mile stretch of whitewater drains from the southern slopes of the 13,000-foot Altai Range, dropping fast through alpine tundra, 300-foot granite canyons, and continuous sets of Class III-IV pool-drop rapids. After a long river day, your evening entertainment at camp consists of traditional Russian dancing and a steamy riverfront bana (sauna).”


Marc Goddard and Laurence Alvarez-Roos win the World Rafting Championships (09/13/99)

Marc Goddard and Laurence Alvarez-Roos win the World Rafting Championships – The owners of Bio Bio Expeditions experience the thrill of victory in Costa Rica as Team California. Marc and Laurence’s team went onto to win the World Championships on the Coruh River in Turkey and place in the top for 4 in the Zambezi Rafting Championships during 1995-1999.