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Why 2020 is a Great Year to Plan Your Family Vacation with BBX!

2020 is your year to make some serious memories and plan THE family vacation – a one-of-a-kind BBX rafting adventure – no one will ever forget!

When people think of international rafting adventures or any rafting adventure for that matter, it’s typical to assume that the world-class rapids we tour are so challenging and dangerous as to be only for athletic, risk-seeking adults.

Not so! While some of our trips are better suited to those with more experience on advanced whitewater, many of the adventures we offer are perfect for the whole family – kids of a certain age, of course!

So, as you ponder your family vacation options for 2020, we urge you to consider a trip that takes you off the beaten track. Plan a vacation that has it all and will be sure to thrill and delight the spouse and kids!

A Bio Bio trip offers your entire family fun, adventure, cultural and education experiences, unique tours and side-trips, and plenty of quality time too, of course.

Reasons to plan your next family vacation with BBX

We can sum up why Bio Bio is a great choice for a family vacation in only a few points:

  • Beautiful, scenic exotic destinations
  • Terrific, expert guides
  • Great food!
  • Exceptional accommodations

But, a BBX excursion offers more than even that. Those who have traveled with BBX share with us that a Bio Bio adventure is about the discovery of not only wilderness, but of themselves, and about renewing their enthusiasm for life.

They say it’s to be far away and yet feel totally at home… and to return to find their lives and perspectives changed forever.

It’s also about the magical chemistry of shared adventure and the camaraderie.

Imagine sharing all of this with your loved ones!

We are a full-service adventure travel company. This means that our trips aren’t limited to rafting adventures. We are proud to provide the most diverse and remarkable experiences available in the regions we tour.

Our expert leadership ensures your family’s safety and fun!

Our Bio Bio adventure vacations are led by a crew of international rafting, kayaking, and trekking superstars who are establishing a new standard of excellence in the outdoor adventure industry.

They are known for their friendly, caring hospitality and their knowledge of the culture, history, and ecology in the many countries we visit. Safety is always a priority.

Choose your dream family vacation Bio Bio trip… if you can!

At Bio Bio Expeditions, our team is closely tied together by a true desire to make your adventure with us pure magic.

The locations and itineraries offered have been tried and tested to provide you the best experience possible. Our dedicated guides will make you feel at home wherever you find your ideal destination. We have been cultivating partner relationships around the globe for decades to bring you and unforgettable adventure you’ll be recounting for years after.

With every trip we aim to exceed your expectations and offer you an authentic, unique journey to some of the planet’s most astonishing places. Whether you are rafting through the Cotahuasi River’s canyon in southern Peru, hiking the Inca trail, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, trekking in Torres del Paine in Patagonia or paddling the azure clear waters of the Futaleufu River in Chile, our goal is that you and your family will have the most exceptional and memorable experience with us!

You’ll find the hardest part about booking a trip with Bio Bio is deciding upon the destination.

To find out more information, and for help choosing the best trip for you and your family in 2020, please CONTACT US today!


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